sexta-feira, 29 de março de 2013

O Diagrama do Metagame. Tema de hoje: Combo.

Olha a série de artigos que não termina aí gente! Falamos em Control, em Dino Rabbit, agora vamos falar justamente sobre o tipo de deck que tem fraqueza a Control: O Combo!

O estilo de Jogo Combo

Decks Combo usam da interação entre duas ou mais cartas(Uma combinação) para criar um efeito poderoso, que pode tanto vencer o jogo imediatamente ou criar uma situação que subsequentemente te dá a vitória.

O termo combo também pode ser utilizado para descrever um deck montado para resolver uma poderosa mágica como Final Countdown para criar a mesma condição de vitória.

 Decks Combo podem ser rápidos, consistentes e poderoso: O combo tem que ser forte o suficiente pra vencer, o deck para ser competitivo deve produzir o combo numa base regular, e o deck deve usar o combo rápido o suficiente pra vencer antes do oponente.

Combo é o estilo de jogo preferido dos jogadores de Yu-Gi-Oh!, vira e mexe temos um combo novo rondando o Youtube, entre outros. É normal que existam também decks Instant Win, como Exodia, FC e Destiny Leo.

Decks combo já foram, e ainda são, bem famosos no Metagame. De certa forma, todo deck tem um combo. Seja ele Abyssteus+Dragoons, Tenki+Tensu, Reactan+Wyvern+Blaster, entre outros, quase todo deck Meta atual tem seus combos. 

Porém um deck conhecido por ser estritamente Combo, é o deck Wind-Up, que apanhou do lado direito da lista, depois do esquerdo, e a resposta do mesmo foi pegar Top 32 no último YCS.

[1] Wind-Up Magician
[3] Wind-Up Rabbit
[3] Wind-Up Rat
[3] Wind-Up Shark
[1] Wind-Up Warrior
[2] Summoner Monk
[3] CardCar D

[2] Pot of Duality
[3] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Pot of Avarice
[3] Wind-Up Factory

[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Solemn Warning
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[2] Torrential Tribute
[1] Mirror Force
[1] Dimensional Prison
[2] Fiendish Chain
[1] Compulsory Evacuation Device
[1] Starlight Road

[1] Stardust Dragon
[2] M-X-Saber Invoker
[1] No. 30 Acid Golem
[1] Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
[1] No. 20 Diga Brilliant
[1] Wind-Up Zenmaines
[1] No. 17 Leviathan Draogn
[1] Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1] No. 61 Volcasaurus
[1] Abyss Dweller
[1] Gagaga Cowboy
[1] No. 50 Blackship of Corn
[1] Photon Papiloterative
[1] No. 16 Shock Master

Mudanças possíveis:

-3 CardCar D
-1 Starlight Road
-1 Stardust Dragon

+3 Tenki
+2 Bear
+1 Maestroke 

-1 Qualquer coisa do Extra
+1 Diamond Dire Wolf pra combar com Wind-Up Rabbit

O deck Wind-Up é 90% composto de Combos, posso exemplificar:

Magician+Shark: Variedade de Combos

Rat+Rabbit: Wall infinita

Factory+Rabbit: Search daora
Summoner Monk + Spell + Wind-Up Shark

1. Normal Summon Summoner Monk
2. Descarte uma Spell e invoque o Magician
3. SS Shark, SS Rat do deck
4. Xyz Magician+Monk por Papiloterative, jogue Rat pra ataque, SS Magician
5. Xyz M-X-Saber Invoker com Shark e Rat
6. SS Wind-Up Warrior, aumente pra 5
7. Efeito Magician, SS Wind-Up Shark
8. Shark aumenta pra 5
9. Xyz Volcasaurus


Invoque Summoner Monk
Descarte uma Spell e SS Magician
SS Shark, SS Rat
Xyz Photon Papiloterative
Detach Magician, Rat pra ataque, Rat pra Defesa, SS Magician
Shark Level 3, Magician SS Shark
Xyz M-X-Saber Invoker
SS Wind-Up Warrior
Xyz Shock Master

Bom, acho que já deu pra entender como funciona um deck Combo. Agora, porque esse deck perde pra um Control? Bom, a resposta é meio óbvia:

A quantidade de Traps que um deck Control usa congela os Combos do nosso estilo de hoje, assim como os monstros e as trocas 1 por 2.

Por exemplo, num Dino Rabbit VS Wind-Up:
Laggia+Traps VS Magician+Shark

Vou dar um exemplo a vocês: Uma Featured Match toda em inglês(Claro) de Wind-Up VS Dino Rabbit!

Boulbasakos started off the Match by Summoning Rescue Rabbit! He banished it, and Livraghi Chained Maxx “C”! Boulbasakos Special Summoned 2 copies of Sabersaurus from his Deck, and Livraghi drew a card thanks to Maxx “C”. Next, Boulbasakos combined his 2 Dinosaurs to Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia, and Livraghi drew another card. Boulbasakos Set 2 cards before ending his turn.
Livraghi started his turn with Wind-Up RatSolemn JudgmentDark HolePot of Avarice,Bottomless Trap Hole, and 2 copies of Wind-Up Factory. In his Standby Phase, Boulbasakos flipped Macro Cosmos. Livraghi tried using Dark Hole, but it was negated by Laggia. Livraghi SetBottomless Trap Hole and Solemn Judgment before ending his turn.
Boulbasakos  Summoned Rescue Rabbit and banished it to Special Summon 2 copies ofKabazauls from his Deck; but Livraghi flipped Bottomless Trap Hole to banish both copies. Laggia attacked Livraghi directly, and Livraghi dropped down to 5600 Life Points.
Livraghi drew another Wind-Up Rat. He Set Pot of Avarice and ended his turn.
Boulbasakos Summoned Sabersaurus and attacked Livraghi directly with Sabersaurus and Laggia! Livraghi dropped down to 1300 Life Points! Boulbasakos Set a card before ending his turn.
Livraghi drew Effect Veiler. He Set it along with a Wind-Up Factory.
Boulbasakos attacked with Evolzar Laggia and Livraghi conceded, unable to withstand the follow-up attack from Sabersaurus!
Nick Boulbasakos
Greece’s Nick Boulbasakos makes short work of Italy’s Stefano Lenti Livraghi in Duel 1 thanks toEvolzar Laggia and Macro Cosmos! Livraghi will be going first in Duel 2!
Duel Two
Livraghi opened up Duel 2 with 2 copies of Wind-Up MagicianWind-Up SharkHeavy Storm,Dimensional Prison, and Effect Veiler. He Summoned Wind-Up Magician and then Special Summoned Wind-Up Shark. He used his Magician’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunterfrom his Deck. He used his Hunter’s effect to Tribute Wind-Up Magician and send Safe Zone from Boulbasakos’s hand to his Graveyard
Next, he combined Hunter with a Shark that he reduced to Level 3 in order to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity. He detached Wind-Up Hunter from Zenmaity to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat, and used Rat’s effect to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter. He Tributed Zenmaity to sendMystical Space Typhoon from Boulbasakos’s hand to his Graveyard and then combined Hunter and Rat to Xyz Summon another Zenmaity. He detached Wind-Up Hunter once again to Special Summon Wind-Up Rat from his Deck, and used his Rat’s effect again to Special Summon Wind-Up Hunter. He Tributed Zenmaity with his Hunter to send Bottomless Trap Hole from Boulbasakos’s hand to his Graveyard and then combined Hunter with Rat once more to Summon another Zenmaity. He detached Wind-Up Hunter from Zenmaity to Special Summon another Rat, and used its effect to Special Summon another Hunter. He Tributed Wind-Up Rat with his Hunter’s effect and sent Dark Hole from Boulbasakos’s hand to his Graveyard. Livraghi Set Dimensional Prisonand then ended his turn. Boulbasakos only had 1 card in his hand before his first turn began.
Boulbasakos  Summoned Sabersaurus and used it to attack Zenmaity; but Livraghi flippedDimensional Prison and banished the Sabersaurus. Boulbasakos Set a card before ending his turn.
Livraghi used Heavy Storm to destroy Boulbasakos’s face-down Forbidden Lance and then Summoned Wind-Up Magician. When Livraghi detached an Xyz Material from Zenmaity to activate its effect, Boulbasakos conceded!
Stefano Lenti Livraghi
Italy’s Stefano Lenti Livraghi takes a quick victory over Greece’s Nick Boulbasakos in Duel 2 thanks to Wind-Up Hunter! Boulbasakos will be going first in Duel 3!
Duel Three
Boulbasakos started off Duel 3 by Summoning Sabersaurus and Setting 3 cards to his back row.
Livraghi opened up with Effect VeilerWind-Up RatMonster RebornPot of AvariceBook of Moon, and Solemn Warning. He Set Solemn Warning and Book of Moon and then ended his turn.
Boulbasakos attacked directly with Sabersaurus, dropping Livraghi down to 6100 Life Points.
Livraghi drew Maxx “C” next turn. He Set Wind-Up Rat and Pot of Avarice before passing.
Boulbasakos attacked Livraghi’s face-down Wind-Up Rat with Sabersaurus and Livraghi activated Book of Moon to put the Sabersaurus face-down and protect his Rat. Boulbasakos Set another card to his back row before passing.
Livraghi drew Tour Guide From the Underworld! He tried to Summon it, but lost out to Boulbasakos’s Solemn Warning. Next, Livraghi Flip Summoned his Wind-Up Rat. He activatedMonster Reborn to Special Summon Tour Guide From the Underworld from his Graveyard and Boulbasakos Chained Maxx “C”! Boulbasakos drew a card after Livraghi Special Summoned Tour Guide. Livraghi attacked Boulbasakos’s face-down Sabersaurus with Wind-Up Rat to destroy it and then attacked directly with Tour Guide From the Underworld, dropping Boulbasakos down to 5000 Life Points.
Tour Guide and Wind-Up Rat Attack!
Livraghi combined Tour Guide with Wind-Up Rat in Main Phase 2 in order to Xyz Summon Wind-Up Zenmaines in Defense Position, and Boulbasakos drew another card thanks to Maxx “C”.
Boulbasakos Set a monster and ended his turn.
Livraghi drew Wind-Up Rabbit. He Summoned it to the field and then ended his turn.
Boulbasakos activated Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy Livraghi’s face-down Solemn Warning and then flipped Macro Cosmos! Livraghi Chained Maxx “C” from his hand because he wouldn’t be able to activate it after Macro Cosmos resolved. Boulbasakos Flip SummonedKabazauls and then Normal Summoned Jurrac Guaiba. Livraghi activated his Rabbit’s effect to try to banish it, but Boulbasakos used Forbidden Chalice to negate the Rabbit’s effect and give it 400 extra ATK.
Boulbasakos combined Kabazauls with Jurrac Guaiba next, and Xyz Summoned Evolzar Dolkka! Livraghi drew a card thanks to Maxx “C”. Dolkka attacked and destroyed Wind-Up Rabbit, dropping Livraghi down to 5600 Life Points, and Boulbasakos Set a card before ending his turn.
Livraghi drew Snowman Eater and Set it.
Boulbasakos Summoned Rescue Rabbit! He banished it to Special Summon 2 copies of Kabazaulsfrom his Deck and then combined both Kabazauls to Xyz Summon Evolzar Laggia! Dolkka attacked Zenmaines to take away an Xyz Material and then Laggia attacked Livraghi’s face-downSnowman Eater. When its effect activated, Boulbasakos detached an Xyz Material from Dolkka to negate it and destroy Snowman Eater. In the End Phase, Livraghi tried to destroy a card with Zenmaines, but Boulbasakos detached another Xyz Material from Dolkka to negate Zenmaines’s effect and take another Xyz Material away from it.
It's every Dino Rabbit Duelist's favorite field!
Livraghi drew Wind-Up Hunter and Set it, hoping to survive another turn.
Boulbasakos Summoned Tour Guide From the Underworld, and Livraghi immediately offered the handshake!

Quem abrir terá a vantagem, porém o Player Control ainda pode fazer seus 1 por 1 com Mirror Force, Slowplay de Torrential, Dark Hole, assim como um novo controle.

Como pudemos ver, o Dino Rabbit lentamente contruiu a vantagem, dominando, usando o Side Deck, usando de suas Traps.

Bom galera, acho que é isso por hoje. Desculpem-me pelo post curto, é sério! Estou atolado de coisa pra fazer e  acho que com o tempo se tornou bem fácil de entender o Diagrama que sempre nos diz:

"Aggro bate Aggro-Control que bate Control que bate Combo que bate Midrange que bate Aggro, e o ciclo se repete"

Até o próximo post, que a depender pode ser ainda hoje! Abraço!

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7 Comentários

7 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

combo eh o tipo mais legal de assistir,

a espera desse midrange ai!!

Mike disse...

[2] Combo +++
Tomará que dê para postar mais ainda hj ....

Bruno Gutierres disse...

Cada vez que vejo esses osts do Henrque me sinto cada vez mais pro lol

Anônimo disse...

ja eh quase meia noite, vc mentiu, como posso eu acreditar nesse post sa vc mente???? o seu nome eh msm henrique??

Henrique disse...

@Anônimo: Wut?

Anônimo disse...

inzector é um deck combo?

Anônimo disse...

Dark world é oque?

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