Abyss Soldier x1
Blizzard Dragon x1
Aqua Spirit x1
Armed Sea Hunter x2
Amphibious Bugroth Mk3 x1
Mermaid Knight x2
Gagagigo x1
Shark Cruiser x1
Warrior of Atlantis x2
Star Boy x2
Deep Sea Diva x1
Mermaid Archer x1
Mother Grizzly x3
Levia Dragon-Daedalus x1
A Legendary Ocean x3
Terraforming x1
Morray of Greed x1
Giant Trunade x1
Level Limit Area B x1
Salvage x2
Double Summon x1
Water Hazard x1
Mythical Space typhoon x1
Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord x2
Tornado Wall x2
Gravity Bind x2
Gozen Match x1
Torrencial Tribute x1
Dark Bribe x1
Extra Deck
Brionac, dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon x1