quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

Deck de Remoção

Oi gente, aqui eu vou postar um Deck de remoção que eu mesmo tenho,ele é fácil de se fazer pois a maioria das cartas vem no Deck Struture do Caius.
Caius the Shadow Monarche x2
D.D. Survivor x2
D.D. Scout Plane x1
Golden Homunculus x1
Lesser Fiend x1
Dimensional Alchemist x2
Gren Maju Da Eiza x1
D.D. Warrior Lady x1
Banisher of the Radiance x2
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x1
D.D.M.-Different Dimension Master x1
D.D. Assailant x1
Bazoo the Soul Eater x1
Chaos Rider Gustaph x1
Helios-The Primodial Sun x1
Helio Duo Megistus x1
Helios Trice Megistus x1
D.D. Warrior x1

Brain Control x1
D.D.R.- Different Dimension Reincarnetion x1
Dark Core x1
Different Dimension Gate x1
Black Pendant x1
Heavy Storm x1
Reinforcemente of the Army x1
Soul Release x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Dimensional Fissure x1
Big Bang Shot x1
Riryoku x1
Soul Absorption x2

Macro Cosmos x2
D.D. Dinamite x2
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Return from the Different Dimension x1
Returno from the Dark Dimension x1
Karma Cut x1
Torrential Tribute x1
Dimensional Priso x2

Total: 47 cartas
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